Fertility Awareness Education
Understand your cycles. Be your own birth control.
This offer is for those who are ready to commit to the lifestyle change and practice that is the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM). Throughout this education program you will learn sympto-thermal FAM and how to assess and keep track of your cervical mucus and basal body temperature. This specific offer is intended for you if you want:
an effective + natural form of birth control in collaboration with your body
to pinpoint potential hormonal imbalances in your cycle
This program includes eight sessions spread out over approximately 14 weeks. Here is a breakdown of the sessions:
Week 1
Session 1
reproductive anatomy
normal cycle parameters
pregnancy prevention strategies while you learn
intro to cycle tracking: cervical mucus
Read Your Body App* setup
90 minutes
Week 2
Session 2
intro to cycle tracking: basal body temperature
sympto-thermal FAM pregnancy prevention guidelines
1 hour
Week 6
Session 4
review guidelines
chart review
45 minutes
Week 4
Session 3
review guidelines
chart review
45 minutes
Week 10
Session 6
chart review
45 minutes
Week 8
Session 5
chart review
45 minutes
Week 12
Session 7
chart review
45 minutes
Week 14
Session 8
chart review
45 minutes
(value: $1,050)
*Read Your Body offers you 3 free months when we work together.
Pre-teens, Teens & Parents
Coming soon!
Single Session
You have been tracking your cycle biomarkers (not simply menstruation) for at least 3 months and have some clarification questions regarding the information you already know.